Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies

Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies


What is APO?

The Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (the APO) is a collaborative partnership of interested governments, international agencies, foundations, and researchers that promotes evidence-informed health system policy regionally and in all countries in the Asia Pacific region.



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Thailand Health System in Transition Review (HiT). Second edition

This is the second edition of Thailand’s health system review (HiT), updating the old one that was published in 2015. Since then the country has...

Use of routine health information systems for policy-making towards universal health coverage in decentralized countries

What is the role of Routine Health Information Systems in planning in decentralized countries? How did COVID_19 Outbreak change this process? What can...

The role of the private sector in Asia: challenges and opportunities for achieving universal health coverage

How do public sector insurance companies deal with contracting private providers? How are the contracts managed? How do they ensure quality? How do they...

New Zealand health system review

New Zealand is a Pacific nation of just over 5 million people. Health and disability services are predominantly tax-funded, providing universal coverage....

Digital health and universal health coverage: opportunities and policy considerations for Pacific Island health authorities

The emergence of digital health tools offer opportunities to complement and support the health system in the delivery of health services, especially in...

Integrated care for tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) comorbidity in Asian countries: health system challenges and opportunities

The dual burden of tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) has become a major global public health concern and a critical public health challenge...

India health system review

India has made significant improvements in the health outcomes of its people. Life expectancy at birth increased to 69.6 years in 2020, from expected 47.7years...

COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor: Sri Lanka

The Government of Sri Lanka used an “all-of-government” approach focused on prevention, containment and management throughout, with varying...


This new APO medium term strategy is set clearly within the framework of UHC and the SDGs. It comes at a crucial time for the APO. The APO fills an important...