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Public Enemy

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Public Enemy, 2007

Public Enemy us Long Island, New York ghöre zu de wichtigschte HipHop-Gruppe überhaupt. Mit irer inhaltlig und bolitisch radikale Musig hänn si dr HipHop massgääblig erneuered. Di wichtigschte Mitglider sin dr Lead-Rapper Chuck D, dr Flavor Flav, dr DJ Terminator X und dr Professor Griff. Unterdesse sin Public Enemy nümm seer populär, immerhin hän si aber zäme mit em Moby e Anti-Kriegs-Track namens "Make Love Fuck War" uffgnoo.

Vom Rolling Stone Magazine isch Public Enemy 2004 uf em 44. Platz uf dr Liste vo de Unstärblige (100 Greatest Artists of All Time) iigreiht worde. Im Johr 2007 si si in d Music Hall of Fame vo Long Island ufgnoh worde.

Wichtigi Stück

[ändere | Quälltäxt bearbeite]
  • 1988 Bring the Noise
  • 1987 Yo! Bum Rush the Show
  • 1988 It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold us Back
  • 1989 Fight the Power...Live!
  • 1990 Fear of a Black Planet
  • 1991 Apocalypse '91...The Enemy Strikes Black
  • 1992 Greatest Misses
  • 1994 Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age
  • 1998 He Got Game
  • 1999 There's A Poison Goin On
  • 2002 Revolverlution
  • 2005 New Whirl Odor
  • 2007 How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul?
  • 2012 Most of My Heroes Still Don't Appear on No Stamp
  • 2012 The Evil Empire of Everything
  • 2015 Man Plans God Laughs
  • 2017 Nothing Is Quick in the Desert
  • 2020 Loud Is Not Enough
  • 2020 What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down?