Course Descriptions

Introduction to Society/Introduction to Sociology

This class examines larger social forces—including the state, the media, the workforce, race, class, mass media and culture industries, and the sex/gender system—and how they influence both our cultural assumptions and our lived realities.

Sociology of Reality Television

How does Dating Around shed light on contemporary courtship rituals, and what can Dance Moms teach us about the meaning of childhood? Reality television shows may seem like frivolous fun (and they are!), but they are also illuminating social artifacts that reflect contemporary American tastes, cultural norms, and values. In this course—by reading sociological literature, paired with episodes of reality shows—we will learn to analyze these forms of contemporary entertainment
through a social scientific lens.

Sociology of Intimate Relationships

This course explores sex, love, romance, desire, and intimate relationships in the modern world. We examine some of the cultural, structural, and historical conditions that shape one of the most profound sets of human experiences: those associated with love and relationships.

Sociology of Gender

This course explores the social constructedness of sex and gender. We look at the ways in which sex and gender are social phenomena that change over time and vary across cultures.

Sociology of Sexuality

This course looks at a wide range of sexual phenomena from a sociological perspective. The sociology of sexuality is, quite simply, the study of how sexual identities, attractions, and experiences are shaped by culture.

Social Inequalities

This course examines the larger social structures—including the state, the media, the workforce, race, class, and the sex/gender system—that propel and limit the people living within it, impacting our daily lives and creating, reinforcing, and reifying social inequalities.   We learn theories which attempt to explain the persistence of social inequality within industrialized societies.

The Family/Sociology of Families

This course focuses on families in the contemporary U.S.  Introduces how sociologists scientifically study families and along with them, topics that seem very personal, emotional and important to many of us: ideals about love, marriage, gender, parenthood, sex and sexuality. We consider both the “public” and “private” dimensions of families.

Crime, Law, and Deviance

This course provides an introduction into the nature and causes of criminal and deviant behavior. The purpose of this course is to develop an understanding of the issues related to crime, the roots and application of criminal law, the theories criminologists and sociologists use to explain crime, and the relativity of deviant behavior using a critical approach.  The course introduces and analyzes patterns of crime, discuss theories of crime, considers the impact of the media, and addresses the unequal application of criminal law in order to cultivate a greater understanding of why crime exists.  This course aims to help students learn to recognize power, construction, and control in the labeling of deviance.

Social Problems

This course is an examination of contemporary social problems through sociological perspectives. It is designed to provide the student with an understanding of how major systems of power, such as racism, sexism, classism, and heterosexism, are interrelated, and result in numerous social problems.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Sociology

Sociology of Reality Television (developed course)

Sociology of Intimate Relationships (developed course, got approved by Senate)

Sociology of Gender

Sociology of Sexuality (developed course, got approved by Senate)

Social Inequalities

The Family

Crime, Law, Deviance

Social Problems

Independent Studies

Directed Student Research