Current Projects:

Research study on the characteristics of great sex

Seeking participants ages 18 & up for interviews. Goal of the study: to understand perceptions of what "great" sex is based on personal experience. We want to speak w/folks of all identities & orientations with previous experiences of great, good, and bad sex. Interested in participating in a phone interview? Email


Research study on Open Relationships among College-aged folks.
Seeking folks w/experience in open relationships for interviews. Current college student or recent college grad (w/in 5 years) w/experience in an open relationship, we want to hear from you!
Email my RA for a phone interview:


Research study on Romance.
We want to talk to all ages and identities to learn how individuals define romance and how people perceive their current or past partners�� ideas of romance.
Email my RA for a phone interview:


Paused Projects

  • Study on Situationships.
    Seeking folks w/experience in ill-defined romantic/sexual relationships or "situationships." Current college students or recent college grads (w/in 5 years) w/ experience in open relationships.
    Email us at to schedule a phone interview!

  • Study on current and former teachers (left within the last 10 years).
    Interview (currently over Zoom; phone interviews coming)

Recently Closed Projects

  • Highly Sexual Women--Study on women who self-identify as highly sexual. (Data Collection Closed) Book forthcoming

  • BDSM--Experiences of BDSM practitioners. (Data Collection Closed) Book forthcoming

Contact Dr. Walker

Media requests may E-Mail Dr. Walker at