Monthly seminars "chaire ACPR"


The ACPR Research Initiative seminar highlights high-quality research addressing issues of regulation and systemic risk for both banks and insurance firms. 

The seminar takes place on the first Wednesday of the month from 10.00 to 11.30 in the premises of the ACPR: 4, place de Budapest, Salle Liège (rez-de-jardin) -  See access plan.  

The seminar is open to everybody. Registration by email at is free but compulsory in order to attend. If you wish to be informed of upcoming events, please send an email to the same address.

The ACPR Studies Department organizes independent seminars as well: the page dedicated to the ACPR research seminars is available here.



Wednesday, 5th June 2024, 10.30 am – 12 pm

Glenn Rudebusch (Brookings Institution et New York University) will present

“The Effect of U.S. Climate Policy on Financial Markets: An Event Study of the Inflation Reduction Act”




The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) represents the largest climate policy action ever undertaken in the United States. Its legislative path was marked by two abrupt shifts as the likelihood of climate policy action fell to near zero and then rose to near certainty. We investigate equity price reactions to these two events, which represent major realizations of climate policy transition risk. Our results highlight the heterogeneous nature of climate policy risk exposure. We find sizable reactions that differ by industry as well as across firm-level measures of greenness such as environmental scores and emission intensities. While the financial market response to the IRA was economically significant, it did not lead to instability or financial stress, suggesting that transition risks posed by climate policies even as ambitious as the IRA may be manageable.


Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode (the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris , and will also be streamed online).

(Free) registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at

If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.




Wednesday, 22th Mai 2024, 10.30 am – 12 pm

Melina Papoutsi (BCE) will present

“Borrowing Beyond Bounds: How Banks Pass On Regulatory Compliance Costs”



Banks in the euro area must inform supervisors about each exposure that exceed 10% of the bank’s capital. Using a granular dataset that combines banks’ loan and security portfolios, we test whether banks pass on the cost of complying with the large-exposure framework to borrowers above the threshold. We show that after a decrease in the reporting threshold, small banks react by shifting more exposures just below the threshold. In addition, banks charge a sizable 76 basis point interest rate premium for large exposures, relative to firms just below the threshold. This premium is more pronounced for small banks and borrowers with fewer banking relationships and hence fewer outside options. In response, when firms approach their bank’s large exposure threshold, they become more likely to borrow from other banks. Despite the “large-exposure penalty”, we find no statistical evidence for bunching below the threshold, suggesting that there are substantial frictions that prevent firms from switching to better-capitalized banks to reduce interest expenses.


Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode (the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris , and will also be streamed online).

(Free) registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at

If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.



Wednesday, 3rd April 2024, 10.30 am – 12 pm

Enrico Sette (Bank of Italy) will present

“Interlocking directorates and competition in banking”



We study the effects on corporate loan rates of an unexpected change in the Italian legislation which forbade interlocking directorates between banks. Exploiting multiple firm-bank relationships to fully account for all unobserved heterogeneity, we find that prohibiting interlocks decreased the interest rates of previously interlocked banks by 14 basis points relative to other banks. The effect is stronger for high quality firms and for loans extended by interlocked banks with a large joint market share. Interest rates on loans from previously interlocked banks become more dispersed. Finally, firms borrowing more from previously interlocked banks expand investment, employment, and sales.


Please note that this seminar will take place in a hybrid mode (the seminar will take place at the ACPR 4 Pl. de Budapest, 75009 Paris , and will also be streamed online).

(Free) registration (for both in person or online participation) is compulsory by mail at

If you opt for online participation, the connection details will be sent to you in the following days.



Publication Seminars
Social media as a Bank Run Catalyst

Social media fueled a bank run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), and the effects were felt broadly in the U.S. banking industry. We employ comprehensive Twitter data to show that preexisting exposure to social media predicts bank stock market losses in the...

  • Published on 11/29/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (1.25 MB)
Publication Seminars
The state-dependent impact of changes in bank capital requirements

Based on a non-linear equilibrium model of the banking sector with an occasionally-binding equity issuance constraint, we show that the economic impact of changes in bank capital requirements depends on the state of the macro-financial environment. In ...

  • Published on 10/12/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (2.74 MB)
Publication Seminars
Assessing the Impact of Basel III on European Bank Lending

The failures of the banking sector to promote sustainable lending and build substantial capital and liquidity buffers prior to the 2008 Financial Crisis addressed the rationale for implementing Basel III. In this paper, we question the fundamental role...

  • Published on 10/12/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (443.88 KB)
Publication Seminars
International banking regulation and Tier 1 capital ratios. On the robustness of the critical average risk weight framework

Under Basel III, the current international banking regulation, banks must maintain two Tier 1 capital ratios that treat risky assets differently. The Basel Committee uses the critical average risk weight (CARW) framework developed by the Bank of...

  • Published on 09/13/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (665.51 KB)
Publication Seminars
Incomplete supervisory cooperation

Banking supervisors frequently cooperate across countries, but cooperation only imperfectly covers the global operations of large banking groups. We show that this causes significant third-country externalities. Using hand-collected supervisory...

  • Published on 08/22/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (2.7 MB)
Publication Seminars
The Effect of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World

We compile a novel dataset on mandatory environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure around the world to analyze the stock liquidity effects of such disclosure mandates. We document a significant positive effect of ESG disclosure mandates on...

  • Published on 08/22/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (1.86 MB)
Publication Seminars
Financing and Resolving Banking Groups

We study how banks’ resolution regimes affect investment. Banking groups create financing synergies by transferring excess financing capacity across units and lowering bankers’ agency rents from monitoring. Single-point-of entry (SPOE) resolution...

  • Published on 05/16/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (774.54 KB)
Publication Seminars
Don’t Lead Me This Way: Central bank guidance at the age of climate change

Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, climate change has been extensively acknowledged worldwide as a cause of perturbations for our economic structure, and a cause of disruption of our financial system. The increasing number of...

  • Published on 04/04/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (269.4 KB)
Publication Seminars
Green investment and asset stranding under transition scenario uncertainty

We develop a real-options approach to evaluate energy assets and potential investment projects under transition scenario uncertainty. Dynamic scenario uncertainty is modelled by assuming that the economic agent acquires the information about the...

  • Published on 02/21/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (1.86 MB)
Publication Seminars
Bank Debt, Mutual Fund Equity, and Swing Pricing in Liquidity Provision

Liquidity provision is often attributed to debt-issuing intermediaries like banks. We show that mutual funds issuing demandable equity also provide liquidity by insuring against idiosyncratic liquidity shocks. Quantitatively, the average bond fund...

  • Published on 01/12/2023
  • FR
  • PDF (873 KB)