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Call for Papers: Infectious Diseases in People Who Use Drugs

Open Forum Infectious Diseases is seeking proposals for papers exploring how infectious diseases impact people who use drugs. Accepted proposals will be invited to submit a full paper to be part of a special collection on the topic.

OFID welcomes all proposals, with particular interest in the following:

  • Emerging infections and bacterial or fungal pathogens among PWUD
  • Xylazine related infectious complications
  • Care models for treatment of serious injection related infections in PWUD
  • HCV treatment models and outcomes for PWUD
  • Syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections in PWUD
  • Preexposure prophylaxis in PWUD

Key details:

  • Submit your proposal by July 21
  • Authors will be notified of acceptance into the collection by August 9
  • Full papers from accepted proposals will be due December 8
  • Anticipated publication date: April 2025
  • OFID welcomes original research articles, brief reports, novel case reports, reviews, and perspectives articles.
  • All papers will undergo full peer review, and publication is dependent on the peer review process.
  • When a paper is accepted after peer review, the accepted version will publish online immediately, while the final version will be embargoed to publish with the full collection.
  • OFID particularly encourages proposals from authors in low and middleincome countries, under-resourced communities, and from groups under-represented in medicine.
  • OFID charges an open access fee that varies in price depending on article type and IDSA membership status. Authors from a select list of countries can publish in OFID for free, and additional waivers are available for researchers without funding for open access fees (regardless of country).

How to Submit

To submit your proposal, fill out this form. It will ask you for:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your country of residence
  • Proposed article title
  • Proposed abstract (250 words or less)
  • A brief description of why the topic is important and timely
  • Where/how you learned about this call for papers

Open Forum Infectious Diseases is a fully open-access journal advancing the field of infectious diseases by publishing and promoting high-quality research that improves patient care and public health outcomes. Our goal is to foster collaboration among practitioners, researchers, and policymakers by providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas. The journal focuses on publishing innovative clinical and translational research, exploring the impact of the natural environment on infectious diseases, enhancing publication literacy among infectious diseases practitioners, and addressing global health challenges. OFID is published by the Infectious Diseases Society of America in partnership with Oxford University Press.

For questions, contact Kiley Mead at

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