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Instructions to Authors

Following a vote by the N&TR editorial board, and in order to continue our policy of alignment with the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT), which owns the journal, we will no longer allow tobacco industry (TI) employees to submit work to the journal in any format. We will also no longer invite TI employees to review manuscripts submitted to the journal. We consider e-cigarette companies that are wholly or partially owned by the TI to be part of the TI.

Nicotine & Tobacco Research has a streamlined submission process designed to avoid unnecessary work.

Manuscripts can be submitted in any common document format that can be easily opened and read by others. A single PDF or Word file is usually reliable.

At first submission, it is not necessary to apply formatting to match house style. Instead, simply ask: would I enjoy reading and reviewing a manuscript formatted in this way? Some basic guidelines are provided below. 

After initial review, you will be asked to supply editable files that match journal formatting requirements, and high-resolution figures. For more details, please consult the journal's Author Guidelines

Basic formatting guide

  1. On the first page please include manuscript title and the full names and institutional addresses for all authors. Each author's highest academic degree should follow his/her name. The e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be included.
  2. Provide a short abstract (~250 words), avoiding abbreviations and reference citations.
  3. Add an implications section, which should provide a brief description about what the study adds (50-100 words).
  4. Define non-standard abbreviations at the first occurrence.
  5. Number tables and figures consecutively by appearance and provide a legend for each. Avoid overcrowding in tables and unnecessary clutter in figures. The initial submission can have figures and text in one file, if desired. Upon request, please be prepared to provide high-resolution figures separately, in a common image format (e.g., eps, tif, jpg). 
  6. Videos can be embedded into the HTML version of the article, with a still image representing the video in the PDF version. Submit videos in MP4 format if possible. All videos should have an accompanying legend.
  7. References can be formatted in any readable style at submission. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Later, authors will be asked to comply with the journal’s citation convention (American Medical Association (AMA) style). For Original Investigations, the number of references should not exceed 50, for Reviews the limit is 100, and for Brief Reports the limit is 20.
  8. Include a Declaration of Interests section. All authors must declare any conflicts of interest. Please read our Policy on Competing Interests.
  9. Include acknowledgements, details of funding sources and grant numbers at the end of the text. Use author initials to indicate which authors were in receipt of grants. 
  10. If applicable, please include a statement of data availability at the end of the text. For example: Data available at doi:10.5061/dryad.XXXX; Data available at GEO Series accession number GSE123456 and Proteome Xchange database PXD1234567Data available in supplementary material; Data not publically available. Where datasets have a DOI, please cite the data in the text, and place the citation in the reference section. Our data availability policy can be found here Data Availability Policy.
  11. Please ensure your submission includes all files containing supplementary material cited in the text.


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