
Thyroid hormone (TH) plays a crucial role in regulating the functions of both bone and adipose tissue. Given that TH exerts its cholesterol-lowering effects in hepatic tissue through the TH receptor-β (TRβ), we hypothesized that TRβ agonist therapy using MGL3196 (MGL) would be effective in treating increased adiposity and bone loss in response to a 12-week high-fat diet (HFD) in adult C57BL/6J mice. Transcriptional and serum profiling revealed that HFD-induced Leptin promoted weight gain in both males and females, but MGL only suppressed Leptin induction and weight gain in males. In vitro studies suggest estrogen suppresses MGL activity in adipocytes, indicating estrogen might interfere with MGL-TRβ function. Compared to systemic adiposity, HFD reduced bone mass in male but not female mice. Paradoxically, MGL treatment reversed macroscopic BMD loss in appendicular bones, but micro-CT revealed that MGL exacerbated HFD-induced trabecular bone loss, and bone strength. In studies on the mechanisms for HFD effects on bone, we found that HFD induced Rankl expression in male femurs that was blocked by MGL. By ex vivo assays, we found that RANKL indirectly represses osteoblast lineage allocation of osteoprogenitors by induction of inflammatory cytokines TNFα, Il-1β, and CCL2. Finally, we found that MGL functions in both systemic adiposity and bone by nongenomic TRβ signaling, as HFD-mediated phenotypes were not rescued in TRβ147F knockout mice with normal genomic but defective nongenomic TRβ signaling. Our findings demonstrate that the negative effects of HFD on body fat and bone phenotypes is impacted by MGL in a gender-specific manner.

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Author notes

Aruljothi Muralidharan and Gustavo A. Gomez Co-first Authors

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