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Why Publish Your Research With Cerebral Cortex?

Cerebral Cortex publishes papers on the development, evolution, organization, plasticity, and function of the cerebral cortex, including the hippocampus. Studies with clear relevance to the cerebral cortex, such as the thalamocortical relationship or cortico-subcortical interactions, are also included.

There are a variety of reasons to submit your work to Cerebral Cortex, including a commitment to inclusive peer review, a straightforward submissions process, and an expert editorial board. For more reasons why the journal could be a great home for your next paper, read on.

A Multidisciplinary Approach

  • The journal is multidisciplinary and welcomes studies that address major issues of general significance using modern neurobiological and neuropsychological techniques, including neuroanatomy, biochemistry, molecular neurobiology, electrophysiology, behavior, theoretical modeling, and brain imaging and/or electroencephalographic studies on developing and adult humans. To find out more about the scope, head here.
  • In addition to research articles, the journal publishes special features and occasional special issues dedicated to well defined subjects. This helps authors to get their article in front of the most relevant readership and provide added visibility. Sign up for journal email alerts to stay up to date with the latest call for papers.

Impactful Research

  • Cerebral Cortex has an Impact Factor of 2.9 (2023) and a CiteScore of 8.2.
  • The journal publishes high quality research of interest to the Neuroscience community. For examples of recently published articles attracting discussion and attention, take a look at this Altmetric report.
  • Our articles are read all over the world, helping you connect your ideas with a global audience.

Ensuring Your Work is Discoverable

  • Cerebral Cortex is indexed in various key repositories, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOBASE and the JCR, supporting the rapid and global dissemination of your work. For a full list of abstracting and indexing services, head here.

Expert Editorial Board

  • Cerebral Cortex has an experienced editorial board, who will help ensure your work is published at its best.
  • You can learn more about how manuscripts are evaluated here.

Optional Open Access

Enhanced Author Experience

  • Article-level metrics, including usage, citations, and Altmetric scores are available for all articles published in the journal, allowing you to understand the reach of your research, and the attention it is receiving online.
  • Your article will be available to read on our Oxford Academic platform, which provides a comprehensive suite of features and capabilities for authors. Oxford Academic is easy to use, allowing readers to discover and explore your content from any device. It has been developed using award-winning technology to meet the community’s research needs.

Published by an Academic Publisher: Oxford University Press

  • As a department of the University of Oxford, OUP is a mission-driven, non-profit publisher committed to delivering world-class academic and educational resources and making them available as widely as possible.
  • OUP understands the importance of making research accessible so that not only researchers, but also practitioners and policymakers around the world, are well-equipped with the latest information to better serve their communities.
  • Oxford University Press has a resource center to answer all of your questions before, during, and after publication—including advice on how best to promote your work once published.

Straightforward Submissions Process

  • All manuscripts are submitted and reviewed via the journal’s web-based manuscript submission system, ScholarOne Manusripts.

Ready to submit your article to Cerebral Cortex?

Here are the next steps you can take towards publishing with Cerebral Cortex:

Any questions about submitting to the journal? Email the editorial office at

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