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  4. Ukraine: EU erwägt Entsendung von Ausbildern ins Kriegsgebiet


„Wir sollten über die Bereitschaft nachdenken, Ausbilder in die Ukraine zu schicken“

Korrespondent in Brüssel
Ukrainian soldiers take part in a training excercise run by operated by Britain's armed forces as part of the Interflex programme, in eastern England, on February 24, 2024, on the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Britain announced on Saturday a new £245 million ($311 million) defence package to help boost the production of "urgently needed artillery ammunition" for Ukraine, two years after war broke out with Russia. (Photo by HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP) Ukrainian soldiers take part in a training excercise run by operated by Britain's armed forces as part of the Interflex programme, in eastern England, on February 24, 2024, on the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Britain announced on Saturday a new £245 million ($311 million) defence package to help boost the production of "urgently needed artillery ammunition" for Ukraine, two years after war broke out with Russia. (Photo by HENRY NICHOLLS / AFP)
Ukrainische Soldaten werden von britischen Ausbildern in Großbritannien trainiert
In der EU wächst die Bereitschaft, die Ausbildung ukrainischer Soldaten direkt vor Ort stattfinden zu lassen. Frankreich und osteuropäische Länder machen hinter den Kulissen mächtig Druck. Doch die Bundesregierung hat starke Bedenken.

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