Borrow a Musical Instrument

Musical Instrument Lending Library

Ukulele, banjo, violin and other instruments available to borrow

The Musical Instrument Lending Library is a collection of instruments (guitars, ukuleles, bongos, violins, and more) that can be borrowed for free with a valid library card.

Musical instrument lending library locations

Parkdale: 1303 Queen Street West, 416-393-7686

Downsview: 2793 Keele Street, 416-395-5720

York Woods: 1785 Finch Avenue West, 416-395-5980

Learn with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra (TSO)

The Toronto Symphony Orchestra's TSOUND ADVICE series provides an introduction on how to play your instrument from TSO musicians directly. Click on the thumbnails below to access instrument tutorials for the instruments available at the Musical Instrument Learning Library.

Learn more about the TSO's programs for children, adults and families.

Opens in new windowToronto Symphony Orchestra website

Hand drum fundamentals video on YouTube, opens in new window Hand Drum (14:11 mins)
Viola Fundamentals video on YouTube, opens in a new window Viola (16:13 mins)
Violin Fundamentals video on YouTube, opens in a new window Violin (26:18 mins)
Cello Fundamentals video on YouTube, opens in a new window Cello (15:37 mins)

Instrument types

How instrument lending works

Borrowing an instrument

Rules and conditions

Caring for musical instruments

Learn how to take care of the instruments you borrow. These videos will show you how.

About the service

The Musical Instrument Lending Library is the first of its kind in the city, and also the first in public libraries across Canada! With generous support from donors, Toronto Public Library offers a collection of musical instruments that can be borrowed with a library card.