The Faculty of Law's executive and professional legal education programs offer legal education for lawyers and others who are currently in the workforce.

Global Professional Master of Laws (GPLLM)

The Faculty of Law has partnered with faculty from the Rotman School of Management, INSEAD Business School (Paris) and NYU Law School to establish an innovative part-time executive program for lawyers and business leaders. Focused on Canadian business law from a global perspective, the Global Professional Master of Laws (GPLLM) is a 12-month executive-style master of laws offered during evenings and weekends.

The GPLLM program offers four concentrations: Business Law, Canadian Law in a Global Context, Innovation, Law and Technology, and Law of Leadership.

Continuing Professional Development Events

The Faculty of Law provides many opportunities for lawyers to enhance their knowledge, promote their career aspirations, and fulfill their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements. Generally, these events can be registered for individually.

Upcoming Events