Argentina’s new leader: the tantric-sex expert who talks to his dead dog through a medium and wants to legalise selling human organs

Javier Milei has threatened to ‘take a chainsaw’ to the ‘parasitic’ state

Javier Milei wields a chainsaw while campaigning in Buenos Aires Photo: Tomas Cuesta

Simeon Tegel

A little over a month before he was elected, the supporters of Argentina’s next president, Javier Milei, listened rapt as the self-described “anarcho-capitalist” and tantric sex expert vowed to take a “chainsaw” to the “parasitic” state.

An Anglophile with an Austin Powers haircut and outsize sideburns who once fronted a Rolling Stones tribute band, Mr Milei was revelling in the crowd’s adulation that day, frenetically waving his arms like a conductor in time with the chant.