FIT January: Eat – How to quit the night-time binge

Comfort eating at night has become an issue for many since the pandemic began and if you are ready to stop, dietitian Orla Walsh’s four-week programme to balance your eating starts here

Dietician Orla Walsh

Orla Walsh

The first step is being aware of what is happening at night. Mindless eating can occur in the evening time with distractions such as the television readily available. It can lead people to be unsure of what they have actually eaten. As little as a one-day food diary can shed some light on current eating patterns.

If you are aware that you are overeating in the evening, why are you doing it? There are many reasons why we succumb to eating in an unhealthy manner at night. Busy, hectic lifestyles lead to inadequate fuelling during the day, resulting in our body asking for energy balance to be achieved before bed.