David Coleman: How to make the most of staycations with kids of all ages

From planning stops on long car journeys to letting teens choose the fun activities, holidays in Ireland can be stress-free and fun for all the family

School-age kids make for great fun holiday companions as they’re naturally inquisitive. Picture posed

Dr David Coleman

It is rarely easy to travel with children. Not that we might be travelling far this year. There will probably be few of us getting away for a sunshine holiday this summer. Those of you lucky to get away at all will no doubt be holidaying in Ireland. If the dearth of self-catering accommodation is anything to go by, that is where most families will be headed. With that in mind, putting some thought and planning into your family holiday is well worth the investment of the time.

I was in Connemara recently with our Headspace Adventure summer camps and we regularly passed by a couple out walking the roads with their baby carried by one or other in a sling. I was reminded of those days when my own children were that tiny and how comparatively easy it was to take them on holiday. While babies typically come with a lot of gear, they are quite portable. Small babies don’t complain about being brought to museums, or other sights that you want to see. You can still set the entire agenda for the trip and what you do. If they are comfy in a sling or a buggy, they are usually happy to go where you go.