Climate disaster in Somalia:
‘My biggest fear is to be swept away’

After six years plagued by drought, Somalis prayed for rain. When it came, it threw families into another crisis, writes Amy Molloy in Dollow

'We don't think about eating or sleeping, we can only survive' – Somali population devastated by flooding

Amy Molloy & Johnny Brew

In a crowded camp on Somalia’s border with Ethiopia, a partially blind woman has just arrived after travelling 15 days on foot. She left her home in a desperate search for food and water for her eight children. Now there are just seven.

Nahma Shurari Farah (35) had to bury the body of her eight-year-old son Mohamed on the side of the road while making her way to Ladan camp in Dollow, a settlement established for people who have been forced by drought and conflict to flee their homes. Her family had not eaten in weeks.