'I'm so aware that we're the lucky ones. We're the people that IVF worked for'

Chupi Sweetman-Durney has turned her passion for designing jewellery into a multi-million euro business, but when it came to starting a family it took three years and three rounds of IVF for her dream to be realised. She tells Bairbre Power about building her eponymous brand and the highs and lows of her fertility journey

Chupi wears: Dress, €89, & Other Stories

Bairbre Power

'I'm so aware that we're the lucky ones. We're the people that IVF worked for. I've so many friends who are going through it and it hasn't worked - and for some people it never will."

Jewellery designer and mum-to-be Chupi Sweetman-Durney looks down at her expanding waistline and smiles. The 35-year-old is 20-weeks pregnant and she and Brian, her husband of five years, plan to celebrate their big news next weekend. And the couple have plenty to celebrate. Valentine's Day is her 36th birthday and after 14 years of renting, they've finally bought their first home.