How allegations of abuse, harassment and brown envelopes have derailed Rosslare’s nursing home campaign

Co-ordinating group tender their resignations after campaign to see nursing home developed instead of IPAS centre in jeopardy over offer to mediate with developer

Aeden McFadden, who chaired the meeting, addresses the crowd.

Simon Bourke
© Wexford People

A campaign to see a nursing home developed at the site of the old Great Southern Hotel in Rosslare Harbour has been thrown into chaos after the campaign co-ordinators resigned en masse at a meeting in St Mary’s GAA, Tagoat on Tuesday evening. Formed following the creation of the 24/7 picket line outside the former hotel, the group had been representing the people of the village as they sought to prevent an International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) centre being developed at the site instead of a nursing home, as had originally been intended.

However, following what the co-ordinators described as “abuse”, “harassment”, “damage to personal property”, and accusations of being “in receipt of brown envelopes, being corrupt, and going against the voice of the people of Rosslare Harbour”, all bar one member of the group formally announced their intention to resign at the meeting in St Mary’s.