The Indo Daily: Amanda Knox – the slander conviction and her long battle to clear her name

Amanda Knox has been completely exonerated over the killing of the British student (AP)

As the 2000s drew to a close, the name ‘Amanda Knox’ became steeped in infamy, following the violent murder of her roommate, 21-year-old Meredith Kercher.

Knox, alongside her boyfriend Rafaele Sollecito, was convicted of Kercher’s killing in 2009, though both were later fully exonerated. Many viewed her conviction as a miscarriage of justice and argued that the young woman had been demonised by the international media frenzy around the case.

The now-36-year-old returned to Italy last week in an unsuccessful bid to defend herself against a 16-year-old slander conviction. The charge, which was upheld by the Italian courts, related to statements she had made while in police custody under conditions which the European Court of Human Rights found to have violated her human rights.

As she awaits the opportunity to appeal, Ellen Coyne is joined by Nick Squires, Rome Correspondent with the Daily Telegraph, to look back on her legal battles and ask will she ever be completely free in the court of public opinion?

The Indo Daily: Amanda Knox - the slander conviction and her long battle to clear her name

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