The Real Health Podcast: Going from stuck to unstoppable with high performance coach Mark Fennell

What is a breakthrough? How do you go from stuck to unstoppable? And how do we shift our thinking and find motivation?

I was joined on the podcast by self-development expert, high performance coach, mentor, and now author, Mark Fennell.

Mark’s new book, ‘Breakthrough, Practical Steps for Moving from Stuck to Unstoppable,’ gives the reader the tools they need to become unstuck and get the life they desire.

I spoke to Mark about how life can sometimes become a bit of a cage.

“Our life can be like a cage where we're going through life and we're not letting what we really want to happen in or pursuing what we want in life. We need to sometimes open the cage. Now there can be anxiety holding someone back. It can be fear. It can be lack of self-esteem. There's many reasons,” he said.

In the book, Mark talks about the concept of WCPT which stands for Why, Capacity, Positioning and Time.

“Your why is what motivates you, capacity is assessing whether you have the capacity to go after this, positioning is how you are set up to succeed and who are the people around you, and time is choosing the right time,” the motivational speaker said.

I was interested to find out about being stuck, as Mark goes into this subject in depth in the book; “some people are stuck because of something, divorce, a diagnosis, something blew them out of the water. And then there's the other type of people who go through life and there's nothing climactic. But when people message me, they don’t know where to go. And stuck is when you don't really know what the solutions might be. The first step is admit that, I feel a bit stuck, I'm not fully happy.”

You can listen to the full episode here or wherever you get your podcasts.