Real Health Podcast: Tips for surviving the Christmas period in a healthy way

Karl Henry

How do you stay on track this Christmas period? Indulgence is fun but how do I achieve some sort of balance while not living like a monk? Here are my six Christmas survival tips.

This week I wanted to bring you a Christmas survival kit for staying healthy in the approach to Christmas.


Plan your month, map those days out, the big days, the food, the alcohol. By planning you are controlling when those nights out are going to happen. You can then enjoy them and not fall off the wagon when they do happen.


I have a coach that I stay accountable to, who keeps me on track. Have an accountability partner to make sure you stick to your plan.


A big part of the advice I have is don't go all or nothing! Use the 80/20 rule – 80% of the time eat healthy, 20% of the time have the craic. It’s having a chocolate bar but not the whole box. Try and achieve balance and not be too serious about your fitness plans.

Small Targets Small Goals

Don’t set an impossible goal, get a little bit better each week.

Put some time aside for reflection

Every year I reflect on the past year, set time a side and look at what worked and what didn’t. Ask yourself, Did I achieve the goals I set for myself this year? If not, why not?

Handling the big nights out

My final piece of advice is about handling those inevitable big nights out. First piece of advice ‘Never go out on an empty stomach’. Second, every glass of alcohol should be followed up by a glass of water.

You can listen to the full episode on The Irish Independent or wherever you get your podcasts.