Real Health Podcast: How to fix lower back pain with Chartered Physio Eoin Everard

What is the cause of lower back pain? How do I fix it? And how is office life leading to an increasing number of people reporting lower back pain.

On the Real Health Podcast this week, I was joined by a chartered physio and Ph.D. in Biomechanics, Eoin Everard.

In the western world 85% of us will have back pain at some point. Eoin Everard explained that of that 85%: “30 to 35% will have recurrent back pain”.

During the episode Eoin goes through some exercises that we can do to ease back pain. The chartered physio explained that our sedentary lifestyles are what is causing a lot of back issues.

The physio spoke about the misconception that if a person gets lower back pain that they are stuck with it for life. He argued that mobility is what will ease most back injuries.

The Ph.D. in biomechanics said “what we need to do is if we're more active, we're keeping the core muscles working more, which essentially takes the pressure off the ligaments of the back. So, we don't injure those because essentially all back injuries are overload injuries.”

You can listen to the full episode on The Irish Independent or wherever you get your podcasts.