Real Health Podcast: How to declutter your space this January

Real Health podcast with Karl Henry

Has your space or home become a mess? Do you need to declutter this January? And where should you start?

On the Real Health Podcast this week, I was joined by author and founder of Organised Chaos, Sarah Reynolds.

It all started for Sarah when Sarah was 15 and watching the Oprah Winfrey show with her mother. An organiser came on, Julie Morgenstern, and this is when Sarah had her lightbulb moment and saw that the job of being an organiser did exist.

Sarah explained to me when she gets called in: “what happens is, that if clutter is not causing an issue for you, then it's then it's not an issue for you. Some people like to have a certain amount of stuff in their space. It's when that clutter tips over into stress, affecting relationships, etc, that you need to do something about it.”

Reynolds told me that “people have gone through some sort of life transition or are going through a life transition, and that can be moving house, having a baby, moving countries to losing a parent or sick child, so it can be good or bad. They're usually in those situations and then their home environment becomes magnified. You become more aware of it and the clutter itself could be a symptom of what's going on underneath,” she said.

Reynolds both physically organises peoples' spaces with them and gives them systems to keep the clutter away.

Real Health Podcast: How to declutter your space this January

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