Real Health Podcast: From the vault – James Clear on creating habits

Real Health podcast with Karl Henry

Why are good habits so hard to form? Why do the bad ones so easy to start? And how do we make it easier to start good habits?

This is a bonus episode from the vault which looks at segments from our older episodes.

On this episode of the Real Health podcast, I spoke with best-selling author of Atomic Habits, James Clear.

James started by explaining why bad habits are so easy to start and good ones are so difficult to stick to:

“For our bad habits the immediate outcome is often pretty favorable. Like the immediate outcome of eating a donut is great. It's sweet. It's sugary. With good habits though, It's often the reverse, like what is the immediate outcome of going to the gym for three weeks? Not a whole lot, your body is sore and it still kind of looks the same.”

The author then spoke about the importance of making bad habits less visible:

“For many of our bad habits, just making them less visible will be enough to curtail them. Like beer is another example. If I get a six pack of beer and I put it in the fridge, If it's right there in the front of the fridge where I can see it as soon as I open up the door, I'll grab one every night and have it at dinner just because it's there. But if I tuck it back on the lowest shelf all the way in the back where I can't really see it, and I have to bend down to spot it. Sometimes I'll forget that it's there for weeks before I pick it up and drink one again. And I'm like, well, did I want beer or not? Same sort of thing.”

You can listen to the full episode here or wherever you get your podcasts.