Letters: It’s incredible that Ialpa’s pay claim gets so little scrutiny given the implications

Aer Lingus pilots, members of Ialpa, on picket at Dublin Airport on Saturday. Photo: Conor Ó Mearáin

Letters to the editor

The absence of detailed scrutiny of the Ialpa claim for a whopping 24pc pay rise for its 1,200 members by the media, and by the Government, is startling. Ialpa’s claim that its members have not had a pay rise since 2019 is incorrect; they have been receiving annual increments.

And while Ialpa seeks to couch the dispute as them versus Aer Lingus management, why is the union not being challenged on the fact that both the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court have rejected its claim, and recommended a pay increase broadly in line with the 12.25pc increase accepted by the staff and the trade unions representing all other workers across the airline?