Brighid McLaughlin: ‘When Hollywood giant Robert Towne won an Oscar for the script for Chinatown, he didn’t let on he paid my friend Ed to help write it’

Edward Taylor and Ginnie Kennerly on their wedding day

Brighid McLaughlin

Years ago I used to see this very tall man in his 70s pass by the half-door every evening in Dalkey, heading towards Coliemore Harbour. Wearing a tweed deerstalker hat with big ear flaps, flying in the sea wind and a huge cigar stapled to his lips, he had a little dog as a companion. He looked a picture of contentment. Yet, when I said hello, he never acknowledged me. He just kept ­walking.

After many cheery hellos over the half door, I gave up. Now that fellow is a right little bollocks, I thought to myself. But I was soon to discover that Edward Taylor was quite the opposite. He was just an intensely shy and private individual.