Ireland’s older adventurers: ‘I’m not a rich man, but what I have I’m trying to spend before I go'

We hear lots about younger people travelling the world. But what about thrill seekers in their late 70s and 80s? Three intrepid jet-setters from Ireland share their stories and tips for travel…

Globe trotters Maura Ward, Stanley Phillips and Brenda Bergin

Arlene Harris

When we think about people travelling the world in search of adventure, most of us will imagine someone in their 20s who is young, carefree and eager to experience different cultures. When we think of the over-70s on holiday, however, a stereotypical image most of us will conjure up is of someone relaxing on a cruise ship or travelling on a coach with a group of similarly aged companions, all in search of a sedate break.

But not everyone in this age bracket is living life in the slow lane. There are plenty of older people who are just as curious about the world and think nothing of donning a backpack and heading out to explore far-flung corners of the earth.