Center Parcs or Eurocamp? An Irish mum weighs up the pros and cons of France and Longford Forest for the holidays

It’s a question many parents will ask at some point. Is it worth travelling to the continent for Eurocamp with guaranteed sunshine, or taking the closer option of Longford Forest? A well-travelled mum-of-two offers her tried-and-tested tips

Eurocamp Domaine des Ormes in Brittany

Niamh O’Reilly

Travelling with younger children — babies and toddlers in particular — can be a rollercoaster. When it goes right, it’s blissful; when it goes wrong, it can be a nightmare. In fact, are you even a parent if you don’t have at least one family holiday horror story so bad, you get misty-eyed, triggered, and look off into the distance whenever someone brings it up? 

As a mum of a four- and seven-year old, I know from experience that most of us want a welcoming destination that is set up for our needs and can offer lots to entertain, with the least amount of hassle.