Diarmuid Gavin: Know how to prune for the best blooms

Boost the lasting power of your bushes and plants by understanding which ones need trimming

Hydrangea paniculata

Diarmuid Gavin

The clocks have gone forward and we are at the start of April, one of the busiest months in the gardens when nature bursts forth. The earth is warming up, daylight hours lengthening, there is a profusion of blossoms and leafy foliage, and the sound of bird song fills the air. Gardeners are getting ready as well and neighbourhoods fill with the sound of strimmers, trimmers and mowers warming up for a season of clipping, cutting and generally wrestling the garden back into shape.

One of my first jobs has been to rejuvenate some large topiary box balls which have become too big and a little bald in places. Normally you would just give a light trim to keep it in shape but you can prune them quite hard if necessary and they will bounce back.