Want to go dairy free? Here’s everything you need to know about plant-based ‘milks’

With more of us now choosing alternatives to cow’s milk, dietitian Orla Walsh has the low-down on all the options – and what you need to look for in the list of ingredients

The nutrients in alternative milks can vary from type to type and brand to brand. Photo: Getty Images

Orla Walsh

Going to the shop to pick up some milk isn’t as straightforward as it used to be. There are lots of drinks available that can be used in place of regular cow’s milk. However, they do differ from milk with regard to the nutrients they offer. What makes it more confusing is that each of the milk alternatives differs from one another and from brand to brand. So what are the things to look out for when buying plant-based drinks?

Some milks contain very little protein when compared to regular cow’s milk. Enough protein is needed at every meal to ensure our muscles are growing and repairing to their maximum. It’s also needed for satiety. So, if your milk doesn’t contain a lot of protein, this may not matter if it’s used in your tea.