Steel-cut, stoneground or rolled oats? What’s the healthiest, most nutritious way to eat porridge

Not just a superfood but a meal in minutes, oats have a range of health benefits. But which are the best? Dietitian Orla Walsh has the lowdown

Oats contain beta-glucans, which can help lower blood cholesterol. Photo: Getty Images

Orla Walsh

Lots of people start their day with oats, and it is considered to be one of the foods we should all try to eat regularly, or perhaps even daily. When you consider the nutrient content of oats, what makes it stand out from other wholegrains and cereals? Well, that’s its protein content. Although quinoa is commonly touted as the higher protein grain, rolled oats provide more than double the protein per 100 grams. In a 40g portion, which is a small bowl of porridge, oats provide 4.5g of protein in just 148 calories.

The evidence to support the health benefits of oats is robust, in part due to the types of fibre they contain, called beta-glucans, which help reduce the blood sugar rise after a meal. Additionally, they help to lower blood cholesterol levels. Each 40 gram serving provides 1g of the 3g of beta-glucans suggested per day to help maintain cholesterol levels.