Potato, meat and two veg: Why the traditional Irish dinner is the healthiest meal for your heart, waist and longevity

For a nutritional meal, you can’t go wrong with meat and two veg. But what’s the science behind it?

Dietitian Orla Walsh believes simple changes can make a big difference to overall health. Photo: Owen Breslin

Orla Walsh

The meat and two veg style dish is a healthy, balanced choice at dinner time. To understand why it’s such a healthy, balanced option, you’ll need to understand what registered dietitians mean when we talk about a ‘healthy, balanced meal’.

Ideally, a meal will contain a source of wholegrain carbohydrates, lean fresh protein, healthy fat and two to three different fruit or vegetables. Many people need about a quarter of their meal to be carbohydrates, a quarter to be protein and half to be fruit or vegetables. So why is this balance of elements important?​