Greek yoghurt, skyr or quark? Our expert decodes the dairy aisle

Dietitian Orla Walsh on what to choose in the refrigerated aisle for optimum nutrition

Many products contain added sugar, sweeteners and flavourings so always read the label. Photo: Getty Images

Orla Walsh

If you have visited a supermarket dairy aisle recently, you’ve likely been intrigued by the variety of choices beyond traditional yoghurt. Skyr, Greek yoghurt and quark are now easy to come by. As a registered dietitian, I’m thrilled to see the spotlight on these nutrition-packed dairy delights.

But firstly, let’s look at the science and why we might try to consume more dairy. In July, a dietary study conducted in 80 countries, across all inhabited continents, which included 245,000 people was published. It provided new evidence to support the role of a wholefood diet and its protective potential in the fight against heart disease.