‘We’re substitute mammies. Fostering is amazing — you get to support and help a child to be the best they can be’

Seasoned foster parents Suzy and Christina Brennan-Seery share why fostering was the right choice for them, the difference it has made in their lives and in the lives of the children they care for, and their advice for prospective foster parents

Suzy and Christina Brennan-Seery have been foster parents to seven children in total. Photo: Mark Condren

Liadán Hynes

Suzy, 46, and Christina, 37, have been foster carers to seven children in total. Both Cub Scout leaders, they knew that for various reasons they would not be able to have children of their own. Christina, who suffers from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, says “I wouldn’t want to pass it on.”

“And I was a bit older, and I wasn’t willing to do it,” her wife Suzy adds with a laugh.