Myocarditis: ‘It’s a hidden disability – it can be challenging when people cannot understand why you need extra assistance’

Mum-of-one Siobhán Cunningham on her journey of navigating life with endometriosis, the heart conditions that left her bedbound and the fight to reclaim her health

Siobhán Cunningham is doing a lot better now following her diagnosis and with the support of heart health services Croí and Cry. Photo: Ray Ryan

Liadán Hynes

Siobhán Cunningham was first diagnosed with endometriosis 16 years ago, when she was 21, after a laparoscopy confirmed that she had the condition. A 37-year-old single mother to nine-year-old son Callum, Siobhán grew up in Loughrea, Co Galway, where she still lives.

“I had stage four, severe endometriosis when I had my first laparoscopy. I had severe pain,” she says now of that initial diagnosis.