Bell’s Palsy: ‘I was fearful that I would never get my smile back and that I would have pain forever’

Bell’s Palsy is characterised by sudden facial paralysis and can also cause sight problems, leaving sufferers grasping for answers and support. Now 95pc recovered, Sasha Hamrogue shares what helped her along the way

Sasha Hamrogue. Photo: Frank McGrath

Sasha Hamrogue

Back in March I’d been eagerly awaiting a much needed break with my kids over midterm. Following a stressful period at work and back to back household viruses, I was excited about some healthy rest at home with my family.

But on March 23, the first official day of my holidays, I started to experience an unusual pain in the back of my head on the left side, which radiated down my neck. I put it down to possible dehydration and being rundown. But the pain worsened.