Ask Allison: My husband suggested I try Ozempic for my baby weight – I'm devastated

Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships

Turn towards cultivating a nurturing new relationship with your body. Picture: Getty

Allison Keating

Question: I put on a lot of weight after I had my children and spent years hating myself and feeling ashamed of my body. A few years ago, after hearing an elderly relative comment on her own body, I realised what an absolute waste of time thinking about fat and size is. I had genuinely come to a place where I was starting to buy myself some nice clothes and throw off the shackles of self-hatred. For context, I would be overweight but not obese, and generally active.

However, two people have recently suggested to me that I try Ozempic. My husband, which absolutely devastated me, and a friend. I was very fit for years as I played sport at a high level but being thin was always a result of a lot of work, as opposed to being naturally lean. Now all my old feelings about my body have come back, and I am really angry, particularly at my husband. When I tried to talk about this with him, he just got annoyed and said I was much happier when I was thin and he is sick of me being miserable. I find this devastating as I thought we were having a nice life together.