Ask Allison: My husband seems to disregard what I ask him to do with the kids and I feel so frustrated and disrespected

It can be frustrating when it seems like you’re not being heard. Picture: Malte Mueller

Allison Keating

Question: I think my husband tunes me out a lot of the time. We have three kids and I’m a stay-at-home mum so do most of the child and house-related things, which is totally fine by me. I feel quite strongly about certain things like nutrition and have asked my husband on numerous occasions not to give them orange juice for breakfast and not to buy highly-processed cereals and treats.

But he still does, over and over, and every time I point it out, it’s as if he is hearing me for the first time. I am not sure if he is ignoring me or if he never listened to me in the first place. We have the same issue with phones and our kids. I have a zero smartphone policy and yet he will give our six year old a phone when we are out in restaurants if it suits him.