Ask Allison: I am absolutely terrified of flying and have a big family holiday coming up so can’t avoid it. Please help!

Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships

Aim to arrive at a neutral state of mind towards flying, rather than loving it. Picture: Getty

Allison Keating

Question: I am terrified of flying. I used to fly maybe once or twice a year when I was in my 20s and 30s and I drank a lot to curb my nerves. I am now in my 40s and don’t drink much at all — and I will be travelling with my young children, so it isn’t an option. My husband has booked us a holiday of a lifetime to Disney World in Florida and the kids are so excited. I am also excited but I am a bit put out with my husband for booking it all behind my back and landing me with it at the same time as the kids.

I feel it is manipulative but I also see his point, as we haven’t gone anywhere as a family, so great is my fear. When I confronted him with it later, he at first pretended to be affronted but then admitted that he did pull a fast one as he wants to enjoy his life and my fear is holding us back. The trip is booked for January so I am wondering if you can give me any advice as to how I can prepare. It will be a big deal for me to do this and I am absolutely terrified.​