Ask Allison: ‘A ‘fortune teller’ told me that I would have a sad, unhappy life 18 years ago, and I still worry about it now’

Allison Keating answers your queries about life and relationships

'Think about whether it was truly appropriate for an adult to give such a negative reading to a young person.' Picture: Getty

Allison Keating

Question: Years ago at a friend’s 21st birthday party, her father — who fancied himself as some type of medium/fortune teller — offered to give me a reading. He then proceeded to tell me I was going to have a very unhappy life full of sadness. I was shocked and friends told me he had just had too much to drink and ignore him.

Eighteen years later I am happily married, with three amazing little children and a business I’ve built from nothing, and his voice still hangs in my head. I’m an anxious person by nature and often when I go into catastrophic thinking (generally worrying about something happening to one of the children) his words come back to me, making me wonder if he was right and if something awful is around the corner.