Adult diagnosis of ADHD: ‘I’d a lot of misconceptions around ADHD medication, but I find it helps me hugely’

Psychologist Aisling Leonard-Curtin was diagnosed with ADHD just three years ago. It has enabled her to become more compassionate with herself — and she urges anyone with signs to get tested for the condition

Aisling Leonard-Curtin: ‘Being diagnosed with ADHD is one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.’ Photo: Patrick Browne

Erin McCafferty

There seem to be a lot of people, in particular women, and often middle-aged women, diagnosed with ADHD these days. But is this just a passing trend, or is every ADHD diagnosis warranted?

Chartered Counselling Psychologist Aisling Leonard-Curtin believes it is. She says it’s happening because we now have more information about neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD, and awareness that it’s just as common in women as in men.