Tommy Tiernan in Malawi: ‘This is a country at the brutal end of climate change. The young are angry’

The comedian writes about his recent visit with Trócaire to the African nation, which is being ravaged by a vicious cycle of floods and drought — and calls for Irish politicians to make their voices heard at next week’s Cop 28

'The lifestyle of the west is causing the entire planet to heat up' - Tommy Tiernan on the climate crisis in Malawi

Tommy Tiernan

I was talking to a friend of mine a few years ago, a lovely man. An inspiration, actually. He seemed to have spent much of his life doing things for other people, in service. Recognising need and acting. One of the organisations that he’s worked with is Trócaire, the overseas development agency. I had been looking for a way to get involved with a charity for a few years but wasn’t sure where to start really, so inspired by my pal Harry I gave them a call. Before I knew it, I was talking to Caoimhe de Barra, the CEO of the organisation.

“I’d like to help but I’m not sure how,” I said.