Restaurant industry on a knife edge: ‘We are working harder than ever to keep our businesses going’

Restaurants are being forced to close as Vat rate hike bites in a sector trying to recover after the pandemic

Restaurateur Alan Clancy of NolaClan is among many in the hospitality business having a hard time at the moment. Photo: Frank McGrath

Lucinda O'Sullivan

With the ­restaurant industry on a knife edge, and over 300 closures in the past six months, I’m wondering what sort of reception politicians and members of the Government seriously expect when they roll up, all delighted with themselves, in their ministerial Mercs to their favourite restaurant for a ­Chateaubriand and a Burgundy.

While they have the security of enormous salaries, their hosts aren’t sure if they can stretch to the end of the month without closing their doors and putting their staff out of work.