Hannah Quinn-Mulligan: Teagasc’s obsession with cheap milk is letting down farmers

We have all the expertise to produce a litre of milk as cheaply as possible from grass, but zero expertise in how to turn that litre of milk into a product worth more than 45c a litre when it leaves the farmgate

Hannah Quinn-Mulligan says not every farmer wants or needs to diversify but for the ones who do, there is a serious dearth of knowledge and resources in this country despite a very well-funded advisory service. Image: Getty.

Hannah Quinn-Mulligan

‘It does smell like yoghurt” was the comment from my mother as she poked suspiciously at the white, warm globules of cream and milk in our fancy new yoghurt maker.

Like all new businesses, the micro-dairy enterprise here on the farm has been met with some successes and some failures.