Eamon O’Connell: Why a shortage of vaccines and time is having significant impacts on animal health

A lack of vaccines has placed a strain on animal health. At a very busy time of year, herd health can be pushed into second place

Planning ahead for your herd’s vaccination schedule is essential. Photo: Roger Jones

Eamon O'Connell

On a warm, sunny evening last week, I had a craving for an ice cream. I wasn’t looking for your standard frozen dairy product either. It was a big brand (who shall remain nameless) ice cream-biscuit combo in a small tub.

It was after a tough day of scanning and the girl at the drive-through window raised an eyebrow at my beetroot-red face as I put in my simple order. “Sorry”, she replied, in a tone of voice that told me this was far from the first time she had to make this watery apology. “We’ve no ice cream today”.