Eamon O’Connell: We need to think like bees when dealing with mastitis – and ruthlessly get rid of the sick

In the face of an outbreak of disease, sacrifices need to be made quickly for the long-term benefit of the hive, and the herd

John Mattimoe was surprised to find a mass of bees swarming on the wall outside his house in Carrick-on-Shannon. Happily, Kathleen from the Digges Beekeepers Association was on call to relocate them to a new hive. Photos: Gerry Faughnan

Eamon O'Connell

Never a dull moment. That’s been the story of my life, particularly over the past few weeks. Last Wednesday was staying true to form, with a few “fires” to be put out on the work front as well as numerous decisions and deadlines on the building front.

So, when I arrived home for dinner (on time for once), I wasn’t phased when my seven-year-old ran over to me and exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement: “Dad, come quick, you have GOT to see this!”