Hannah Quinn-Mulligan: Taking a much-needed break can be a great reminder of why we love the farming life

A long weekend away is usually enough to send me running back with open arms to the cows and my lovely two-minute commute out the back door

‘It is always difficult to take time off, but even if it’s just a long weekend, farmers should prioritise getting a break this year’. Photo: Don Moloney

Hannah Quinn-Mulligan

One day recently, with six hours to go before I had to be at the airport, I found myself stirring a vat of yoghurt with one hand while scouring the internet for very specific liners for our tiny two-unit milking machine with the other.

Getting off farm for a few days is never easy, but it was the first time when everything seemed to be against me. Yet another vat of yoghurt had gone wrong, so I had to get up early to make another, and then we noticed that milk was leaking into the vacuum pump on the machine. The new liners we fitted must have had a tiny hole somewhere.