Darragh McCullough: Farmers are paying the price for our leaders’ failure to heed warnings on climate change

Tirlán’s plan to address water quality on the Slaney is too little, too late

Tirlán's ‘Farming for Water: River Slaney Project’ is designed to enhance water quality across the Slaney catchment area in counties Wexford, Carlow, and Wicklow.

Darragh McCullough

Tirlán’s announcement about a major environmental initiative to address water quality on the Slaney is great news. It’s just a pity that it’s about four years too late.

Farmers have never been more conscious about water quality and the impact their activity has on it. But the realisation that they need to be proactive about protecting water quality only really hit home when the change in the Nitrates Derogation in January was imposed on the sector.