Mart prices again feeling the squeeze but lighter stock start to bounce back

‘Last week’s returns for lighter bullocks show a marked improvement, with the better 300-399kg store stronger by 22c/kg on average — that’s an impressive €66-88/hd’. Photo: Roger Jones

Martin Coughlan

Prices were once again under pressure at marts across the country, with 400-499kg stock the worst affected. Bullocks at this weight fell by 11c/kg or €44-55/hd, with heifers back 14c/kg, €56-70/hd.

Ringside returns for heifers in all other weight divisions were also less but not to the same scale, ranging from 4c/kg for the 600kg+ animal to 9c/kg in the 500-599kg section, with the 350-399kgs back 5c/kg.