Can dairy farmers be convinced to breed beefier calves — and can beef farmers be convinced to rear them?

It is hoped that subtle changes to dairy breeding decisions as well as the new Commercial Beef Value (CBV) index will encourage the dairy calf-to-beef system

‘Look at the mart. There is a big difference between a calf that has weight and a bit of age versus a light young calf.... you’ll have a lot more buyers at three to four weeks than at 10 days’. A calf sale at Carrigallen Mart. Photo: Brian Farrell

Ciaran Moran

A recent exchange between a dairy farmer and Teagasc’s Alan Dillon illustrated the tricky spot the calf-to-beef business is in right now.

Speaking at a Dairy Breeding Seminar in Corrin Mart in Cork last week, Dillon highlighted the merits of holding back calves from sale till they are older and stronger and at least over 50kg in weight.